Wigan Warriors Steamroll Salford Red Devils in Decisive Super League Clash

Wigan Warriors cruised to a 26-6 victory over Salford Red Devils in their Super League clash, cementing their place among the title contenders. The commanding performance saw the Warriors dominate from start to finish, with tries from Adam Keighran, Junior Nsemba, and Brad O’Neil putting the game firmly in their grasp.

Wigan Warriors Cruise Past Salford Red Devils in Rugby League Clash

Wigan, [Current Date] – In a commanding performance, the Wigan Warriors secured a 26-6 victory over the Salford Red Devils in their latest Super League encounter. The win sees Wigan retain their position among the title contenders, while Salford’s inconsistent season continues.

The Warriors got off to a flying start, completing their sets at 100% in the first half. This relentless pace proved too much for the Salford outfit, who struggled to gain a foothold in the game. Tries from Adam Keighran, Junior Nsemba, and Brad O’Neil put Wigan firmly in control before the break.

“We weren’t confused: it wasn’t a green card – we didn’t ask for play to be stopped,” Rowley said in his post-match press conference. “There was no doctor on the field. I think they realised it was wrong.”

An incident in the first half, however, raised questions from Salford boss Paul Rowley. When Nsemba powered over the line, he collided with Salford’s Marc Sneyd, who required medical attention. Referee Tom Grant then controversially brandished a green card, forcing Sneyd off the field for two minutes, during which time Wigan added another try.

Despite Ollie Partington’s try early in the second half, Wigan’s advantage proved too substantial to overcome. Keighran’s boot and a late score from Bevan French sealed the victory for the Warriors.

The defeat means Salford remain in sixth place, with a two-point gap separating them from Leeds Rhinos in seventh. For Wigan, the win sees them join St Helens and Warrington Wolves at the top of the Super League table, underlining their title credentials.

As the season progresses, both teams will look to build on their respective performances, with Salford aiming to find greater consistency and Wigan determined to maintain their challenge for the coveted Super League crown.

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