Defensive Dilemma: Hull KR Aims to Shore Up Right Edge Ahead of Wigan Challenge Cup Showdown

Hull KR’s head coach Willie Peters is adamant that the team’s defensive struggles on the right edge must be addressed ahead of their highly anticipated Challenge Cup semi-final rematch against Wigan. With the Robins conceding significantly more tries down their right side, Peters knows they cannot afford a repeat performance against the formidable Wigan side.

On the Cusp of Challenge Cup Glory: Hull KR Tackle Defensive Woes Ahead of Wigan Clash

As Hull KR prepares to face Wigan in a highly anticipated Challenge Cup semi-final rematch, head coach Willie Peters is adamant that the team’s defensive struggles on the right edge must be addressed. The Robins have conceded significantly more tries down their right side compared to the left in the early stages of the 2024 season, and Peters knows they cannot afford a repeat performance against a formidable Wigan side.

“The noise hasn’t been noise because it’s been there,” Peters told Love Rugby League. “It’s evident. In the last couple of weeks, it’s not been where we want to be.”

The coach acknowledged that the right-edge trio of Tyrone May, Peta Hiku, and Joe Burgess are a relatively new combination, with Burgess arriving late in pre-season and Hiku spending most of the pre-season training at fullback.

However, Peters was quick to point out that the team has been doing “uncharacteristic” things on the right edge, leading to a lack of cohesion and defensive lapses.

“Tyrone was jumping out of the line and the other two were back, then we had Peta jumping out of the line while the other two were back, then Budgie did it, and it was like they’d just played their first game together,” he explained.

The Robins’ head coach emphasized the need to improve their defensive efforts across the board, not just on the right edge.

“We’re working on all areas of our game,” he stated. “Our defence hasn’t been where it needs to be. We can’t be letting in 20 points in games, and the last two weeks, the ease we’ve let opposition score tries – especially at the weekend – we can’t be doing that.”

As the Robins gear up for their Challenge Cup semi-final rematch against Wigan, Peters is well aware that the visitors will be looking to avenge last year’s heartbreaking defeat.

“Wigan will be watching that tape thinking there’s opportunities here, but we know against a team like Wigan, they’ll play you through the middle and on the right too,” he said.

The stakes are high for Hull KR, who have been competing on multiple fronts this season. With their sights set on the Challenge Cup trophy, the Robins cannot afford any defensive lapses, especially against a formidable opponent like Wigan. Peters and his team will be working tirelessly to shore up their right-edge issues and ensure they are well-prepared for the crucial semi-final clash.

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