Huddersfield Giants Prop’s England Call-Up Highlights Proud Ukrainian Roots

Huddersfield Giants prop Oliver Wilson has been selected by England coach Shaun Wane for the upcoming Test match against France, despite previously being approached by the Ukrainian Rugby League Federation to represent his maternal grandfather’s homeland. The talented 24-year-old is now eager to make his mark on the international stage, while remaining proud of his Ukrainian roots.

Huddersfield Giants Prop Oliver Wilson Receives Surprise England Call-Up, Proud of Ukrainian Heritage

Huddersfield Giants prop Oliver Wilson has been selected by England coach Shaun Wane for the upcoming Test match against France in Toulouse. The 24-year-old, who is one of six potential debutants in Wane’s squad, revealed he had previously been approached by the Ukrainian Rugby League Federation to represent his maternal grandfather’s homeland before receiving the unexpected call-up to the England national team.

“My grandad was Ukrainian,” Wilson said while at the England camp. “He came over after the war and he came over with nothing, so it’s hard to track down (family members) who are over there. I never met him, he passed before I was born but my mum talks about him all the time.”

Despite the Ukrainian Rugby League Federation’s interest, Wilson is now focused on his exciting journey with the England national team. “It was a bit of a surprise to be honest,” he recalled. “I was in Perpignan when [England coach Shaun Wane] called me on the Friday, I was just sat having a coffee waiting to do a bit of training when he called me and basically said he was going to pick me. I was just over the moon.”

Impressive Form for Huddersfield Giants

The talented prop, who has made 91 appearances for Huddersfield since his debut in 2019, has become a key member of Ian Watson’s forward pack in recent years due to his no-nonsense style of play in the middle. Wilson, who was part of the England Academy side that claimed a 2-0 series win over the Australian Schoolboys in 2018, is now eager to make his mark on the international stage.

Despite his focus on representing England, Wilson remains proud of his Ukrainian heritage and hopes to don the yellow and blue jersey of Ukraine in honor of his late grandfather one day. “Yeah definitely, I’d like to,” he said.

As England prepare to take on France in Toulouse, the inclusion of the in-form Huddersfield Giants prop Oliver Wilson is sure to bolster their rugby league squad. With his unique background and impressive form for his club, Wilson’s debut for the national team is eagerly anticipated by rugby league enthusiasts across England and beyond.

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