Exeter Chiefs Strengthen Front Line with Signing of Northampton Saints Prop Ehren Painter

In a strategic move to address their front-row concerns, Exeter Chiefs have confirmed the signing of Northampton Saints prop Ehren Painter. The 24-year-old tight-head prop will join the Chiefs immediately, providing a timely boost as the club navigates the latter stages of the season.

Exeter Chiefs Bolster Frontline with Signing of Northampton Saints Prop Ehren Painter

Exeter, Devon – In a strategic move to address their front-row concerns, Exeter Chiefs have confirmed the signing of Northampton Saints prop Ehren Painter. The 24-year-old tight-head prop will join the Chiefs immediately, providing a timely boost as the club navigates the latter stages of the season.

Painter’s arrival comes as Exeter prop Harry Williams faces a significant knee injury, sidelining him until the end of the season. With Williams set to depart the club in the summer, Painter’s acquisition presents an opportune solution for the Chiefs’ scrum.

“I’m looking forward to the move and being part of what should be a really exciting end to the season,” said Painter, who has made 84 appearances for the Saints since making his debut against Saracens in 2018. The hulking 6ft 3in, 133kg prop is eager to make an immediate impact at his new club.

Exeter’s Director of Rugby, Rob Baxter, expressed his excitement over Painter’s arrival, acknowledging the need to address the tight-head position in the wake of Williams’ injury. “Knowing that Harry would be leaving at the end of the season, we’ve being keeping a close eye on the tight-head market,” Baxter said.

With the likes of Marcus Street, Patrick Schickerling, and Josh Iosefa-Scott already in the squad, Baxter believes Painter’s experience and scrummaging prowess will provide valuable depth and competition in the Chiefs’ front row.

“He’s got a bit of experience, probably without playing the game time he would have liked,” added Baxter. “At the same time, he’s 24, he’s a big guy and his super strength is scrummaging. There is no mystery in the fact that we want to add something in that area.”

As the Gallagher Premiership season reaches its climax, the acquisition of Ehren Painter could prove crucial for Exeter Chiefs as they strive to secure a top-four finish and championship aspirations.

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