Castleford Tigers Injury Woes: A Pivotal Challenge Cup Clash Ahead

As the rugby league season reaches a crucial stage, Castleford Tigers will be eager to have their key players fit and available for the upcoming clash with Wigan Warriors this Friday, which promises to be an enthralling encounter between two of the sport’s leading teams.

Castleford Tigers Provide Injury Update Ahead of Wigan Warriors Clash

On Tuesday, Castleford Tigers coach Craig Lingard delivered an injury update on influential duo Joe Westerman and Paul McShane ahead of Friday’s highly anticipated rugby league clash with reigning Challenge Cup champions Wigan Warriors.

Loose forward Westerman picked up an Achilles injury in their defeat to Leeds a fortnight ago, while hooker McShane has been sidelined since May 24 due to an arm issue. Lingard provided a detailed assessment of the captains’ fitness status.

“Westy came off against Leeds with a bit of an Achilles issue,” the Castleford boss said. “He’s had a scan this week, and there’s no significant damage, so it’s about managing him now and getting Westy back to full fitness to train and play games.” The coach remains hopeful that Westerman will be available for the Hull KR fixture, but the club is willing to allow an extended break if needed to ensure his full recovery.

Regarding McShane, Lingard confirmed that the player will undergo surgery on his arm this week.

“Macca is going to the hospital tomorrow to have the pins and plates removed,” he said. “The specialists are unsure of the full extent of the injury until they operate, so we won’t rule him out until then. We’re hoping it’s a matter of weeks rather than a season-ending issue.”

The Castleford coach also revealed that half-back Jacob Miller will feature against Wigan despite playing through a rolled ankle in the previous match against Leeds.

“He’s still not quite 100%, but Milky being Milky, he has put his hand up,” Lingard said. “He’s probably about 80 or 85% fit, but he’s good to go.”

As the rugby league season reaches a crucial stage, Castleford Tigers will be eager to have their key players fit and available for the upcoming clash with Wigan Warriors this Friday, which promises to be an enthralling encounter between two of the sport’s leading teams.

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