St Helens Triumph Over Leeds Rhinos Despite Injury Blows

St Helens delivered a clinical display, defeating Leeds Rhinos 40-10 in a hard-fought rugby league encounter. However, the victory came at a cost, as the Saints lost key players Jonny Lomax and Joe Batchelor to injuries during the match.

St Helens Triumph Over Leeds Rhinos, but Suffer Injury Blows

St Helens delivered a clinical display, defeating Leeds Rhinos 40-10 in a hard-fought rugby league encounter. However, the victory came at a cost, as the Saints lost key players Jonny Lomax and Joe Batchelor to injuries during the match.

Injury Setbacks

  • Back-rower Batchelor was forced off the field just six minutes into the game, requiring assistance from the Saints’ medical staff. Coach Paul Wellens later confirmed that Batchelor had suffered an ankle ligament injury, which could keep him sidelined for several weeks.
  • Midway through the first half, fullback Lomax also went down, clutching his hand as he left the field. Wellens revealed that the medical team suspects Lomax has suffered a hand fracture, and the extent of the injury will be determined after further assessment.

Saints’ Resilience and Performance

“I was really proud of the group tonight because I think they showed what we’re about as a club. We showed our identity and our DNA with not having a lot of the players who were in the starting team at the start of the year,” the coach said.

The victory sees St Helens return to the top of the Super League table, having won nine of their 12 league matches so far this season. Wellens acknowledged the impact of not having a game the previous week, which he believes helped his team prepare for the clash with the Rhinos.

“We’ve trained really well in the last couple of weeks, I think not having a game last week helped us, obviously it’s evident we’re down on numbers at the moment but what we’re certainly not lacking is an energy, that was evident at Castleford two weeks ago and evident here tonight,” Wellens added.

The Saints’ resilience and clinical execution on the field were on full display, as they overcame the challenge posed by the Rhinos. However, the extent of Lomax’s and Batchelor’s injuries will be a concern for the club as they look to maintain their strong start to the rugby league season.

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