Harlequins Primed for Scrum Battle Showdown with Toulouse in Champions Cup Semifinal

Harlequins are preparing for a blockbuster scrum battle against Toulouse in the Investec Champions Cup semifinal. Prop Will Collier, with over 200 appearances for Quins, was at the forefront of their dominant scrummaging display that secured victory over Bordeaux-Begles. The London club knows they face a major test against the five-time European champions, who are renowned for their physical prowess and passion for the scrum.

Harlequins Set for Scrum Showdown in Toulouse Champions Cup Semifinal

Harlequins are gearing up for a blockbuster scrum battle on Sunday as they take on Toulouse in the Investec Champions Cup semifinal. The London club booked their place in the last four for the first time by delivering a dominant scrummaging display in their victory over Bordeaux-Begles three weeks ago.

Prop Will Collier, who has over 200 appearances for Quins, was at the forefront of their set-piece dominance, which laid the foundation for the team’s thrilling 42-41 win. The 32-year-old tighthead knows his side will face another major test against the five-time European champions, who are renowned for their physical prowess and passion for the scrum.

“If ever you watch highlights of French club rugby, they often show the scrums, which is unheard of over here,” Collier said. “They love it. Who is going to push each other backwards, in simplest layman’s terms? We have a plan specific to them that hopefully we can implement.”

Quins experienced Toulouse’s scrum power firsthand in their pool-stage encounter in December, when the French giants ran out 47-19 winners at the Twickenham Stoop. Collier acknowledged that the challenge this weekend will be even greater, but he is confident his side can rise to the occasion.

“They drilled us at home,” he said. “That was one that stuck with us, the way they played and dominated. They took some of our real strengths away. They are the envy of most people in Europe, the trophies they’ve won, and we are under no illusion as to the challenge.”

For Collier, this semifinal clash represents the biggest game he has played in a Quins shirt, as the club looks to reach the Champions Cup final for the first time. The experienced prop is well aware of the task at hand but is relishing the opportunity to take on the mighty Toulouse.

“To be where we are in Europe is huge for the club,” he added. “I think we have slightly gone under the radar, just quietly gone about it, put in these big performances, got some big results and suddenly we are here in probably the biggest game in the club’s history.”

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