From Rugby Prodigy to Business Leader: Uncovering the Remarkable Story of Australia’s Youngest Female International

For three decades, Sharyn Williams held the honor of being Australia’s youngest female international rugby player, unaware of her own record-breaking feat. The BBC Rugby Union report sheds light on this remarkable story that has long been overshadowed.

Sharyn Williams: Australia’s Forgotten Youngest Female Rugby International

Sharyn Williams, a former Australian rugby union player, holds the honor of being the country’s youngest female international player. However, her remarkable achievement, which occurred in 1994, remained largely unnoticed for nearly 30 years.

Becoming the Youngest Wallaroo

In September 1994, the 18-year-old Williams earned her first cap for the Wallaroos, Australia’s women’s national rugby union team, in a match against New Zealand in Sydney. This milestone made her the country’s youngest international player at the time.

“I didn’t even know about it,” she admits, laughing. “No, I didn’t realise that until a friend of mine read it somewhere and sent it to me.”

Discovering Rugby Union

Originally from the Brisbane area, Williams discovered rugby union through her touch football coach, Charly Beitzel, who introduced her to the sport. Despite her initial unfamiliarity with the full-contact game, Williams impressed selectors and earned a spot in the Wallaroos’ inaugural international match.

The Evolution of Women’s Rugby

While Williams’ rugby union career was short-lived, her name has become inextricably linked to that historic encounter. Today, the former Wallaroo is the Chief Financial Officer of a leading early learning education provider, G8 Education, and resides on the Gold Coast.

“I just love to see young women representing their country, and I’m absolutely certain the skills and techniques that women have developed over those 30 years, they’re just going from strength to strength,” she reflects.

Williams remains a keen follower of the women’s game, marveling at the remarkable evolution of the sport over the past three decades.

“I think the thing that’s so impressive is how physically they’ve evolved, so that not only are they really strong, they’re fast and the skills are just amazing.”

The BBC Rugby Union report highlights the remarkable journey of Sharyn Williams, whose brief but historic tenure as Australia’s youngest international rugby player has finally come to light after three decades of obscurity.

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