England Rugby League Teams Gear Up for Crucial France Showdown

England’s rugby league teams are gearing up for a crucial double-header against France, with head coach Shaun Wane hinting at a younger-looking squad as he looks to the future and the upcoming World Cup. Wane has opened up on his selection plans, including the potential involvement of captain George Williams, and the threat posed by a strong French side bolstered by the release of domestic-based players.

International Rugby League on the Horizon

International rugby league is within reach as England’s men’s and women’s sides prepare to face France in a double-header in Toulouse at the end of the month. Head coach Shaun Wane has opened up on his selection plans, including the potential involvement of captain George Williams.

Williams missed two of the three tests against Tonga at the end of 2022 after receiving a ban in Super League, with St Helens full-back Jack Welsby deputizing as captain and Mikey Lewis earning a starting role in the halves. Both Welsby and Lewis impressed, as England secured two victories.

With the France fixture just a fortnight away, Wane has hinted at a younger-looking England squad. “They will look different,” he told The Sportsman. “I’ll pick on form. People like George and Jack Welsby, they’ve got credits in the bank, they’re good players. But it will be a younger team, there’s no doubt about that.”

Wane’s comments suggest that even established stars like Williams and Welsby may miss out, as the coach looks to the future and the upcoming Rugby League World Cup. “We’re going to pick a form for the French game that will be an element of looking for the younger end, making sure that we go for the World Cup,” he explained.

The England boss is also wary of the threat posed by France, who will be bolstered by the release of their domestic-based players from the Catalans Dragons for the anniversary fixture in Toulouse. “The French are going to be strong,” Wane warned. “They’ve got an anniversary coming up, it’s in Toulouse, they’ll be very, very good.”

Tough Decisions Ahead

With a host of talented half-backs vying for places, including Lewis, Harry Smith, and Marc Sneyd, Wane faces some tough decisions. However, his focus on youth and form suggests an exciting new-look England side could be on the cards for the clash with France.

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