Black Ferns Dominant in Laurie O’Reilly Cup Triumph Over Wallaroos

The Black Ferns have retained the prestigious Laurie O’Reilly Cup after securing a resounding 67-19 victory over traditional rivals the Wallaroos. In a display of sheer dominance, the reigning Rugby World Cup champions scored seven first-half tries to lead 45-7 at the break, effectively sealing the Pacific Four Series clash before the second half even began.

The Black Ferns Retain Prestigious Laurie O’Reilly Cup After Dominant Win Over Wallaroos

[BBC Rugby Union, 26 September 2022] The Black Ferns have retained the prestigious Laurie O’Reilly Cup after securing a resounding 67-19 victory over traditional rivals the Wallaroos at Albany’s North Harbour Stadium.

In a display of sheer dominance, the reigning Rugby World Cup champions scored seven first-half tries to lead 45-7 at the break, effectively sealing the Pacific Four Series clash before the second half even began. Backrower Kaipo Olsen-Baker opened the scoring for the hosts within the opening five minutes, with the Australians briefly responding through Arabella McKenzie, but the Black Ferns then took complete control.

“Test matches are won up front.”

It was a memorable night for the New Zealand rugby faithful, who cheered passionately as their team ran in try after try, showcasing the strength and skill of their forward pack. Olsen-Baker, along with three other forwards, crossed the whitewash in the first half, underlining the old adage that “Test matches are won up front.”

Despite the lopsided scoreline, the Wallaroos deserve credit for their continued efforts, with flyhalf Arabella McKenzie providing a glimmer of hope for the visitors with two well-taken tries. However, the Black Ferns’ relentless dominance at the set-piece and in the collision area ultimately proved too much for the Australians to overcome.

The return of star fullback Renee Holmes, who missed the team’s previous two matches, also proved pivotal for the Black Ferns, with the 24-year-old making a significant impact on both sides of the ball. Her ferocious tackling and playmaking abilities were a welcome boost for the home side, further strengthening their already formidable lineup.

While the result may have been a foregone conclusion, Australian rugby fans are urged to remain patient with the Wallaroos, who are firmly on a journey of progress. With the 2023 Rugby World Cup in England on the horizon, this young Australian side has shown promising signs and will undoubtedly continue to improve under the guidance of coach Jo Yapp.

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